

Program Code

Friday, March 22, 2024 | 6:27 AM EDT
Submission Activity: Program Code

My program is a workout fitness regimen that promotes a healthy habit of daily exercise for people. It first asks whether the user is feeling healthy. Then an if/else statement is executed, where if the user answers ‘yes’, the program will play a celebratory song and display a circular happy face saying, “Yay! Let’s go workout!”. After 8 seconds, the face goes away and the music stops. Then, the program plays an energetic workout song and runs through a series of exercises (30 jumping jacks, 20 lunges, 10 mountain climbers, 5 air squats) that show up on the screen along with a motivational quote and diagram of the exercise. At the end of the workout, a celebratory sound effect is played, and an image with the words "Workout Complete: Congratulations!" is displayed right before the program ends. Alternatively, suppose the user answers ‘no’ in the beginning. In that case, the program will play a sad trombone sound effect and display a circular sad face with an image of tissues and a thermometer saying, “Aww! Get some rest. Hope you feel better soon!”.


Student Media Consent Form

Friday, March 22, 2024 | 6:27 AM EDT
Submission Activity: Student Media Consent Form

I think that my project should be featured because it is a fun engaging resource for kids to use to educate themselves about fitness and well-being.