

Program Code

Friday, March 22, 2024 | 6:27 AM EDT
Submission Activity: Program Code

When you play the code, it starts in function main and plays the intro function and during the code plays music throughout. In the intro function there's a readBoolLean that asks the tester if they want to start Animal Trivia. If the tester types in yes, it'll start the "If Else" statement and move onto question one. If not, it'll read a console.log to tell you to come back next time. If the tester answers all 4 questions correctly, creations of the animals relating to the questions will appear and will say that you have gotten all of the questions right. If not, you'll get an incorrect image saying you did not get them all right and to try again. It's a great way for the audience to create their own creations in their own code and intrigues everyone to want to attempt a second time. And it also an interesting learning experience to know about the different animals that benefit our world.


Student Media Consent Form

Friday, March 22, 2024 | 6:27 AM EDT
Submission Activity: Student Media Consent Form

I believe my project should be featured because it shows a great example of encouragement to beginners such as myself, to envision and create their own code. I started off with no experience and in the end created this project that represents all of what I learned and am able to create.