The Coder(s)


My program is an app built in order to spread awareness and information about our environment and the things affecting it. It will help spread the message of protecting the environment through interactive components like games and quizzes and will hopefully make people want to make a change and better the world around them. Global warming, pollution, climate change, and just a few of the many issues our earth is facing. That is why I decided to make this app about the environment because I want to bring awareness to these important topics. Within my community, I’ve seen things about the Farmington river being polluted with plastic, trash, and other things. And I also know that this type of issue happens with lakes all over Connecticut and the country. I have also learned more about pollution in science class this year and that has made me more aware of the many issues that it causes all over the world. Those are just a few specific examples of major problems I've been made more aware of, but there are countless issues facing ecosystems and the animals and plants within them all over the world. Seeing these major issues on the news/in articles and also seeing others around me doing things to help the earth. Just within my school I have seen others around me taking initiative to help our local community/environment by implementing composting bins for our waste during lunch. Things like that made me think more about those sorts of issues and made me want to also do something!

Wednesday, April 17, 2024