

Make a Plan

Thursday, April 25, 2024 | 3:53 PM EDT
Submission Activity: Make a Plan

Users press green ‘Flag’ to get Home page. Here users can read ‘information’ and ‘START’ the program. When users press the 'START' button, it will direct them to the 'What to do if..' page which has sprites of different life problem situations. Users can choose any problem to find their solution. Suppose users choose the 'SICK' option. It will direct them to a page that has 'information', and
'checklist 'of activities where they can check and uncheck 'checkboxes'.I also made a fun video game, in case users just want to play a funny game. There is a 'BACK' sprite,it can take back to the 'What to do if..' page.


Show Your Code

Thursday, April 25, 2024 | 4:24 PM EDT
Submission Activity: Show Your Code

On the home page, there are two buttons 'information' and 'Start'. START button directs users to the 'What to do if ..' page, which has six sprites named after different life problems. When users click on one of the life situations example 'Bored' on the 'What to do if...' page, it will direct them to the solution page that has information about what they can do for the solution and a checklist of activities that the users can check and uncheck the checkboxes. I also made a fun video game for this life situation (Bored), Drawing for the 'SICK' situation and listening to calm music for the 'Stressed' situation if users just want to play a short game.


Student Media Consent Form

Thursday, April 25, 2024 | 11:17 AM EDT
Submission Activity: Student Media Consent Form

I think my project should featured because it gives solutions for everyday life problems and it shows how coding can help to make people's lives happy and healthy. Being stressed/Bored/in an emergency/under pressure is a common problem in the world. My project gives solutions for all these problems in one place in a simple way. Anyone from anywhere in the world can use it.
