Prototype Submission


Make a Plan

Thursday, April 20, 2023 | 6:06 AM EDT
Submission Activity: Make a Plan

The system would be activated when someone sits on my HX711 Weight Sensor. This would update the Adafruit IO Dashboard feed and more specifically change the weight detection toggle. This toggle change is received by the SG90 Micro servo motor and the MQ3 alcohol sensor. The servo motor drops the alcohol sensor so that it falls from the ceiling in front of the driver’s mouth. The MQ3 alcohol sensor also simultaneously becomes activated. Now the alcohol sensor checks to see if the alcohol concentration is above the limit and if it is, it stops the MQ3 alcohol sensor from testing the air, updates the adafruit dashboard on the value of the alcohol concentration, and sends an alert to the user via the Twilio service.

VARNA (1).pdf

Show Your Code

Thursday, April 20, 2023 | 6:06 AM EDT
Submission Activity: Show Your Code

I have included the code I have written for the three components of my project that communicate with one another: the weight sensor, the alcohol sensor, and the servo motor.


Student Media Consent Form

Thursday, April 20, 2023 | 6:06 AM EDT
Submission Activity: Student Media Consent Form

Media consent form :)